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When do Black Friday discounts start? Discover real discounts!

When do Black Friday discounts start? Discover real discounts!

Black Friday discountscontinues to cause great excitement in many countries. November discounts When it comes to shopping, shopping lovers are happy about Black Friday discounts. If you are planning to buy furniture at a reasonable price, look no further than Bellona. Black Friday You can closely follow the discount trend. Because big, effective discounts Selected Bellona products It will also reflect!

Not just with Türkiye in many countries at the same time The beginning Black Friday discounts will appear both in stores and on online shopping platforms. This special day, which has become a shopping tradition every year, also brings joy to those who want to renew and change their home. From the sofa to the TV, from the coffee table to the bookshelf. many household items It will be on sale at remarkable prices on Black Friday discount day. If you want to have a pleasant and affordable shopping experience at Bellona, ​​you can join the privileged world of Bellona!

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday, every year in Novemberis a shopping day that takes place on the fourth Friday. This shopping day is an event. It is a shopping holiday that began primarily in the United States and later became popular worldwide. This is a one-day holiday, in the furniture industry It offers discounts that make many people happy.

Black Friday”Black FridayIt appears in the press under the name “. Usually, retail stores and online shopping platforms offer discounts on various products with this name. Remarkable discount It is an effective marketing strategy because it offers high prices. Companies participating in the discount trend want to close this day with unique discounts to attract consumers’ attention and increase their sales. Prices for household goods and furniture big discountsSpecial promotions attract attention. Bellona, with special promotions are included in this shopping event.

Bellona wants to make its customers happy by continuing its Black Friday discounts in 2024. Like this, Bellona quality in every home and unique furniture can be used. Those renovating their homes or preparing for wedding shopping Bellona Black Friday discounts This allows you to shop with a happy ending.

Bellona Black Friday discounts

How did Black Friday start?

The highly anticipated Black Friday discounts in Turkey have a history that dates back long before today. First of all, it should be noted that this discount day is not specific to Turkey. Every November since 1932 in the United States. Discount festivals is being processed. These festivals also include a one-day discount campaign. According to the press releases, the special discount day is known as Black Friday since 1962 It is organized with enthusiasm.

in Philadelphia, USA The discount and buying frenzy that began attracted the region’s citizens to the shops. Life in the city has almost come to a standstill and the shops are full. As both Christmas preparations and the desire to take advantage of discounts came together, an unpredictable crowd formed in shops and stores. Given this high demand, companies began offering discounts every year in the last days of November, especially on Fridays. Particularly in the furniture industry It attracted a lot of attention.

On the last Friday of November, celebrated as Thanksgiving Day in the United States, people prepare for Christmas shopping. This special day, due to the great interest and demand, led to price reductions that were reflected in the furniture industry.

What does Black Friday mean?

Why is the name “Black Friday” used?

Black Friday can be translated into our language as “Black Friday”. This expression is in no way It has no religious or political significance. It is stated that there are many reasons why it is called Black Friday. Firstly, people who hear about discounts are known to use this expression because it causes crowds in stores and makes it easier for security forces to communicate.

Another meaning of the name Black Friday is that stores in the United States wrote down their accounting records with colored pencils. While I wrote down the losses incurred in red pen, Winnings in black pen was recorded in the notebook.

Since many businesses suffered sales losses throughout the year due to the economic crisis, the red pen dominated the notebook for a long time. But when the discount days begin, in the ledger Winning numbers started to get noticed. Since store profits are written in black pen, store owners have taken to calling it Black Friday among themselves.

The 1960s saw increased use of this name due to early store openings. Customers wait at the door early, to benefit from discounts He stood in line and got ready to go shopping. It was popularly called “Black Friday” because the shopping frenzy began before dawn.

Black Friday shopping day

When do the Black Friday discounts at Bellona start?

Black Friday discounts start worldwide on the last Friday of November. Bellona, ​​​​as a leading company in the field of furniture and complementary products, will launch this discount campaign. In 2024, November 29th will be felt as Black Friday Discount Day for Bellona products.

On November 29, 2024, at 12:00 a.m Many companies have introduced Black Friday discounts. Bellona’s discount days and hours You should visit the website and social media accounts regularly.

If you want to be profitable when shopping online and in stores, Examine Bellona products in detail and With Bellona quality you can fix the defects in your home. This year you can revamp your living space with Black Friday discounts!

When is Black Friday?

What products do the Bellona Black Friday discounts include?

November 29, 2024 The start is planned for Black Friday discounts apply to many products at Bellona. If you want to supplement the missing items in your home or replace old furniture with new ones, you can take advantage of this discount day.

  • Stylishly designed for recreational and living areas Sofa sets During this promotion, you can buy furniture such as corner sofas and coffee tables before stocks run out.
  • Families expecting babies Baby room You can evaluate the discounts offered for your room and design the most beautiful room.
  • For healthy and comfortable sleep Bed If you are thinking about buying it, you can take advantage of the Black Friday discounts at Bellona.
  • For use on the balcony or in the garden Garden table sets If you are planning to make a purchase, you can make a profitable purchase thanks to Black Friday discounts.
  • Thanks to the expected Black Friday discounts on many products, you can create a unique decoration in your home!

Take advantage of Black Friday

How can you benefit from Black Friday discounts?

You can start preparing for the highly anticipated Black Friday discount day at Bellona in many countries and enjoy a pleasant furniture shopping experience. Keep track of discounts We’ll give you shopping tips for choosing furniture that suits your home:

  • From social media accounts, Follow Bellona’s pages You can find out the start and end times of the campaign by clicking on.
  • In the last days of November By visiting the Bellona branches You can get detailed information about the products.
  • To shop frugally and consciously, you can identify the missing items in your home.
  • cupboard or Desk If you plan to purchase products such as: For example, to buy one, you can take notes by measuring in the room you use.
  • By creating a payment planyou can update your card limit.
  • You can enjoy your home by purchasing many selected products you need in your living space under the Black Friday discount!

Black Friday shopping

How many days are the Black Friday discounts valid?

in November, shop with a discount If you want it, start browsing regularly for the products you like. Depending on the sales policy of companies, this discount is sometimes 24 seconds It may take time. Sometimes for 2-3 days Discount campaigns continue. Since the discounts cover many products in the furniture category, it is advisable to decide quickly and buy before stocks run out.

Black Friday deals

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