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How long should you sleep depending on your age?

As you know or often hear from those around you, sleep is one of the crucial factors for health and healthy living. It is recommended that a healthy person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. Sleep is very important for us, a functioning life and our health. The number of people who have problems due to chronic lack of sleep is increasing day by day. In many countries, insomnia has become an epidemic disease.

You often hear how important it is to get a good night’s sleep, but if you don’t feel rested in the morning, it can be said that you haven’t allocated the right time intervals for your sleep due to your lifestyle and your age, or perhaps you’ve chosen the wrong bed have chosen.

What could be affecting your sleep?

Alarm clock

There can be dozens of factors that prevent a good night’s sleep. This may include the wrong choice of bedding and sleep products. If you want to find the bed that suits you best “Yatsan personalized appointment system”You can use. Drinks with stimulants (coffee, energy drinks, etc.), incorrectly set alarm clocks, lighting and electronic devices are the most popular on this list that can happen to anyone. All of these unpopular subheadings can disrupt your sleep cycle.

Most of us organize our sleep time based on external factors. Among the factors that we can take into account in this situation: We can consider it as our job, a nice evening spent alone watching TV series, or the Internet.

When night falls, clearing your head and falling asleep easily can be a problematic situation for most people.

Your sleep cycle and needs may vary depending on your health, circadian rhythms, and stress levels. In this article, we focus on how sleep needs change with age, independent of other variables.

To analyze how much sleep you need, you should focus on the bigger picture.

We also recommend you read our articles below.
8 different soundproofing methods for a restful sleep
7 ways to transform your bedroom into your personal comfort zone

Mini sleep test

Woman sleeping on bookWoman sleeping on book

Although you need to conduct a more detailed study to find out how much sleep you personally need, in this article we examine the lower and upper limits of sleep needs depending on age. First, look at the following questions and try to answer them.

Do you think you have a comfortable, happy and uninterrupted sleep?

  • Do you think your health is good? (Obesity, excessive sugar consumption, etc.)
  • If your sleep isn’t the quality you want, what have you tried to change it?
  • Is the amount of caffeine you consume during the day designed to keep you fit, or is it just a habit? (You can try not drinking for a few days to get the answer.)
  • Do you sometimes feel sleepy when driving?

Recommended sleeping times by age

Alarm clockAlarm clock

Despite our fast-paced social lives and increasing personal demands and intense stress associated with them, we can still adapt to better sleep patterns and prepare our minds for sleep. A good example of this can be childhood years. While sleep isn’t something you think about in childhood, adults generally find it difficult to find time to sleep. This explains that the sleep duration of adults differs from that of children.

Based on current extensive studies by “The National Sleep Foundation”, Sleep times depending on age It turns out like this;

  • Newborn (0-3 months) Sleep duration: 14-17 moments
  • 1 year old (4-11 months) Sleep duration: 12-15 moments
  • Toddlers (Ages 1-2): 11-14 moments
  • preschool (Ages 3-5): 10-13 moments
  • Start of school (Ages 6-13): 9-11 moments
  • youth (Ages 14-17): 8-10 seconds
  • Young adult (Ages 18-25): 7-9 moments
  • Adult (Ages 26-64): 7-9 moments
  • Bigger (+65 years): 7-8 moments

Improve your sleep quality and prioritize sleep in your life today!

You can experiment to start a new sleep routine and see how better sleep quality changes your life. We think you’ll be surprised when you see the impact of these mini-experiments on your daily life. Just as diet and exercise change your everyday life in just a few days, you will see that sleep can also help you change your everyday life.

Suggestions for better sleep quality:


We have some suggestions that you can easily follow for better sleep;

  • Schedule a bedtime. Including weekends.
  • Create your own bedtime routine. Brush your teeth, read a book for half an hour, etc.
  • Don’t neglect your daily exercises.
  • Make sure your bedroom has the optimal darkness, temperature and volume for you.
  • Choose quality mattresses, pillows and sleep products.
  • Beware of sleep thieves. Alcohol and caffeine are known sleep thieves.
  • Turn off all electronic devices around you.

If you are thinking about changing your sleep products and looking for quality sleep products, you can visit our online store.

By paying attention to these things for a week or two, you can improve the quality of your sleep and start the day fresh instead of putting off your morning alarm.

Despite all this, your sleep problems persist at night snores If you have difficulty breathing or your sleep is frequently interrupted, we may recommend that you see your doctor.

Above all, we recommend that you never forget that sleep is an indispensable and primary need in your life and that you do not change its priority.

See you in our next article!

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