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The 6/30 rule for better sleep

Quality sleep

good sleep There may be simple rules you can follow in life. As an example, we can cite the 6/30 rule as one of the simplest and most memorable of them. To simply understand this rule: Do not consume caffeine 6 hours before bedtime without sleeping You can follow the points to stay away from technological devices half an hour before.

Is your sleep not as restful and good as it should be? Of good sleep If you think you can get away with it, you may benefit from science-backed lifestyle rules. It may be helpful to remember the 6/30 rule.

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Telephone and coffee

6/30 rule

You should stop caffeine consumption 6 hours before bedtime and do the same. to bed It is advisable to avoid any use of technical screens 30 minutes before entering.

Coffee consumptionCoffee consumption
Caffeine consumption

The first part of the 6/30 rule relates to caffeine consumption. But you don’t have to worry, you may not have to stop consuming tea and coffee that you love and that help you wake up. You should not consider these drinks that keep you awake both in pleasant moments and during the day as monsters. If you don’t drink caffeinated drinks before bed, you can largely avoid the sleep-inhibiting effects of caffeine.

So when exactly should the caffeine limit be? According to a study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, it is recommended to allow at least 6 hours between your last caffeine dose and your scheduled bedtime. The results of some tests between 0, 3 and 6 hours before bedtime showed that even taking caffeine for up to 6 hours indicates sleep problems. Based on this data, it is concluded that for a person who falls asleep around 10:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. is recommended for the last caffeine consumption. When you consume caffeine, your body may feel rested, which can lead to problems getting a good night’s sleep. To avoid this problem, it may be beneficial to follow the research and resulting recommendations.

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Use of electronic devicesUse of electronic devices

Use of electronic devices

When we come to the 30 part of the 6/30 rule, we can understand that the 30 rule involves limiting screenshots before bed. We’ve all probably suspected that tech products like laptops, tablets, televisions, and e-book readers can negatively impact sleep. According to data from the website, the blue light that most of these screens emit affects your body sleep/awake It can limit the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your cycle. Using a digital device before bed Your sleep quality, Your sleep duration and may affect how you wake up afterwards. Additionally, if you place your phone in the room, this is only acceptable if it is in Do Not Disturb mode. Noises and similar notifications from your phone during the night can negatively impact your sleep duration, quality of sleep, and ability to wake up.

To prevent your phone from disturbing your sleep, it is recommended to put your phone out of bed or room half an hour beforehand. According to the 30-minute rule, it’s helpful to know that exposure to the screen of your phone or other tech device before bed can negatively impact your sleep.

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Tablets and coffee in the evening Tablets and coffee in the evening

Why the 6/30 rule?

The 6/30 rule is a method that you can easily try out with small details without much effort. You can get an idea of ​​how reducing your caffeine consumption six hours before bed and removing technology half an hour before bed can affect your sleep quality and rest.

This simple rule can immediately improve your quality of life. These changes are the first steps to a better rest and sleep process. Don’t forget that if you have severe sleep problems, it may be helpful to seek the help of your doctor or sleep consultant. Remember that with a good night’s sleep you can achieve unexpected improvements in your life.

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