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10 pet-friendly plants and their properties

10 pet-friendly plants and their properties

If you have a pet friend sharing the house with you, you need to be careful when choosing which plants to use for decoration. Because cats and dogs can become curious and bite plants. If the plant contains toxic ingredients, it can harm pets. To avoid such a risky situation and Protecting pet health You must choose from pet-friendly plants.

Bellona, ​​​​which decorative plants will you place in your living space? Pet friendly It is shared with you in this content. Beautifies your home, improves air quality and Plants that do not harm petsYou can learn by reading our content.

10 pet-friendly plants and their properties

  • Areca palmiyesi (Dypsis lutescens)
  • Orchid (Orchidaceae)
  • African Violet (Saintpaulia)
  • Para Bitkisi (Crassula Ovata)
  • Head of Love (Epipremnum Aureum)
  • Calathea (Calathea)
  • Zebra succulent
  • Christmas cactus
  • Friendship plant
  • Ribbon flower

1) Areca Palmiyesi (Dypsis lutescens)

Among the plants that you can place in your living space, the Areca palm stands out. This plant is like a cat or a dog Does not harm pets. The leaves do not contain any toxic substances. Therefore, you can grow Areca palms anywhere in your home.

For example, if you want to have it in the living room console You can keep it in a stylish flower pot around it. It is one of the pet-friendly plants.

2) Orchids (Orchidaceae)

Found in almost every home with their showy leaves, orchids are ideal for your pet friends like cats and dogs. does not pose any danger. You can grow orchids so that pets can move around the house comfortably.

Because this plant generally likes to be at high altitudes Dining table You can position it on it. This makes it less noticeable to pets and takes its place in the decoration.

3) African Violet (Saintpaulia)

African violet, one of the plants that changes the atmosphere of your home, is an ideal plant for houses where pets live. Harmful on the leaves of African violets does not contain any toxic substances. Thanks to this feature, it can be placed in houses where pets such as cats and dogs live.

African violets, Side table You can add a decorative touch to your home by positioning it on the wall. There is no danger when in contact with pets.

4) Para Bitkisi (Crassula Ovata)

Also called jade plant, this elegant looking plant has small flowers. It can attract the attention of pets such as cats and dogs. However, it does not pose a threat to their health. It improves the air in the house as it is one of the plants that purify the air.

So that both you and A healthy plant for your pet friends will be the choice. You can place it anywhere in the living room, kitchen or living room.

5) Ladder of Love (Epipremnum Aureum)

Characterized by rapid growth, Love Ladder is a plant that attracts the attention of cats and encourages them to play. The ladder of love, which looks like ivy, should be grown at high altitudes.

If you want, so that it doesn’t attract the attention of cats. TV unit You can store them on the shelves above. For your pets in case of contact does not pose any danger. It improves and purifies the surrounding air.

6) Calathea (Calathea)

This plant, known as prayer flower, maranta, kalatya, is common in its habitat. It is grown to add color to areas such as living rooms and entryways. With its green, patterned and transitional leaves, it can add a stylish look to the atmosphere. You can place the Kalatya flower anywhere in your home.

Contact or chewing of the leaves by your pets, does not endanger health. It is one of the non-poisonous houseplants. Trained You can use Kalatya flowers for decoration.

7) Zebra Succulent

Another houseplant that does not harm pets’ health is the zebra succulent. This plant called snakeskin is also known. It is small and resembles a snake skin. You can grow this plant on the windowsill in the kitchen.

Because it is very easy to care for bookshelf It also has the ability to grow on shelves. If you like succulents and have a pet at home, you can choose a zebra succulent.

8) Christmas cactus

With the name of the Christmas flower The Christmas cactus, also called Christmas cactus, is a harmless plant for your pet friends such as cats and dogs. It received this name because it began to bloom in the last month of the year. You can grow the Christmas cactus with red or pink flowers in living areas where pets frequent.

harm their health Because it does not contain any toxic substances You can use it to add color to the decoration. Since it does not have a very large structure, Coffee table You can rate it while decorating.

9) Friendship Plant

Heap of Involucrata Also known as friendship plant, it is a species that can be a companion to your pet friends. Because it has no structure that is harmful to their health. It will not harm your pet friends like cats or dogs even if they are curious and bite the leaves.

in its leaves Because it is not a toxic substance It is very popular among pet-friendly plants. You can choose the friendship plant to add color to your home and improve air quality.

10) Ribbon flower

If you live in the same house with your pet, for example a cat or dog, you can give the ribbon flower a chance when choosing a plant. Because it is a houseplant Pet friendly flowers between. Since it is a plant that adapts to any environment, it can easily grow in any living space. Since it is not a poisonous plant, it poses no danger to curious cats.

In case animals bite the leaves not dangerous to health is a flower. Ribbon flower in your home TV stand You can decorate it by placing it on top.

Which plants should pets stay away from?

Not all plants are pet friendly. There are plants that can store toxic substances and liquids in their leaves. These plants can affect the health of cats or dogs if they come into contact with them. cause poisoning harmful houseplantsshould not be in the same environment as pets.

If you have pets like cats, dogs, or birds at home, you may want to think twice before bringing the plants on the list into your home. If you have these plants in your home, Keep out of reach of animals You can position it.

  • lily
  • Candelabra flower
  • Foal foot
  • Difenbahya
  • Sardinia
  • What an idiot
  • Aloe vera
  • oleander
  • Star lice
  • Philodendron
  • lily
  • Warm purple

Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Friendly Plants

What plants can be grown in a house with a cat?

If you have a cat at home, you should not leave every plant at home. If you’re just feeding a cat, you can choose plants that won’t endanger its health. We have compiled information to help you in our content. To remind you again:

  • Ribbon flower
  • Succulents
  • African violets
  • orchid
  • Areca palm
  • Christmas cactus
  • Zebra succulents
  • Money plant
  • You can choose species like Hostess Flower.

Is Starlice pet-friendly?

In the leaves of the starfish plant Because it contains toxic substances and liquids It is not pet friendly. Staying in the same environment with pets can lead to animal poisoning.

Does moneypox harm pets?

The money flower is preferred for adding stylish decorative accents to living and living areas. It is not a poisonous flower. Therefore it is safe for pets. You can grow money flowers in every corner of your house. In living rooms where money flowers can be found, Happiness and prosperity for your future There are beliefs about it.

What to do to prevent cats from damaging plants?

If your cats want to play with plants indoors, you can try a few methods to keep the plants away from them. Cats don’t like sour smells. According to these characteristics You can drizzle sour scents into the pots of the plants.

Scents of vinegar, lemon, orange and coffee You can keep such scents near plants. When cats want to approach flowers, they will move away if they smell a scent they don’t like.

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